Dronesec is offering the Division Zero (Div0) community an unprecedented and generous promotion of a 75% discount on their Drone Security Training — as a special collaboration and outreach to all drone enthusiasts in the Div0 community.
This discount is only valid until 31 Mar 2021 — interested parties can apply the promo code DIV075OFF.
From Beginner to Advanced, the Complete Drone Security Bundle Couse Comes with:
Over 8 hours of self-paced video content
Over 15 unique resources for deeper reading and exploration into Drone Security
Free digital certification through YourAcclaim (https://www.youracclaim.com/org/dronesec/badge/drone-security-operations-certificate-dsoc)
Access to the Notify Private Newsletter Subscription (valued at $99 per year)
Access to use the Notify UAV Threat Intelligence Platform (https://dronesec.com/pages/notify) during your training
Join the DroneSec Slack Community
For more information, visit http://training.dronesec.com/
Students' Testimonial
