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3 Wireless Security Myths

Quick Tips Network name hiding and MAC address filtering are for safety, not for security. Never use WEP as your wireless encryption...

Understanding & Reading Packets

Reading packets can be invaluable to security professionals. Especially when trying to understand how NIDS/NIPS or other packet filtering...

Hacking Made Too Easy

A couple of months back, I walked past a friend who was working furiously on her laptop. It was her red BackTrack wallpaper that caught...

Safe PenTesting with Metasploit

For anyone who's experienced with Metasploit will know that there's a risk of crashing the target system. That's because systems...

Detecting Packet Sniffing

One main factor that contributes to the high success rate of a persistent attack is the “low-and-slow” approach. Detecting passive...

Client Puzzle Protocol (CPP)

Client Puzzle Protocol (CPP) is a proof-of-concept, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, to defend against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks....

A Day at GovWare 2012

GovWare was not quite the same this year ... But, the usual discussion on Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) ran its course. Not only is it...

Powershell Injection Using SET

At this year's BSides Cleveland and BSides Las Vegas, Dave Kennedy (ReL1K) presented "Secret Pentesting Techniques Shhh...". The purpose...

WiFi Pineapple — First Impression

Here is the review of the WiFi pineapple. Because there are simply too many awesome avenues to explore on the WiFi Pineapple I will touch...

Armitage — Metasploit Made Easy

Introduction I am sure anyone who does penetration testing or is active in the security field knows what Metasploit is, and what it does....

Introduction to SSL

The Little Padlock "Make sure you see the little padlock icon to verify you are accessing online banking services or e-commerce websites...

Introduction to iptables

netfilter/iptables is a de facto IP packet filtering tool used in Linux operating system (OS). iptables provides features for system...


Honeytrap, written by Tillmann Werner, is a low-interaction malware collection honeypot. Unlike the classic approach of emulating...

Ransomware: The Digital Kidnap

In the recent variant of Zeus Botnet, a ransomware feature was added. What is Ransomware? Ransomware is a unique class of malware. Its...

Cyber Place

A year ago, I presented Securing the World of Avatar at SyScan Singapore. It's a lightning talk about a brief thought I had when I was...

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